Question: 1 / 180

What does the diathesis-stress theory propose?

Stress is the sole cause of mental disorders

Genetic predisposition combined with stress elicits disorders

The diathesis-stress theory posits that the development of mental disorders is influenced by an interaction between a person's genetic predispositions (diathesis) and environmental stressors. This means that individuals may have a genetic vulnerability to certain disorders, but that vulnerability may only be triggered or expressed when they experience significant stress or adverse life events. In this way, the theory highlights the complexity of mental health, suggesting that both biology and environment play crucial roles in the onset of disorders. This dual influence helps to explain why some individuals with a genetic predisposition may never develop a disorder if they do not encounter sufficient stress, while others who experience significant stress might develop disorders even if they do not have a strong genetic risk. This understanding forms a foundational concept in psychology and psychiatry, supporting the idea that effective treatment may need to address both genetic factors and environmental influences.

Disorders can manifest without any genetic factors

Only environmental factors cause psychological disorders


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